The Moment Before the Click | Yellowstone Early Snow Yellowstone’s first snow of the year in mid November made for a great day to capture images along the Yellowstone River. A snowstorm had fallen the night before, covering everything in sparkling fresh snow. Actually, we only had a few minutes to capture this image between snow showers. The Yellowstone River, flowing north out of the park, was not frozen due to the thermal features of the park. There’s nothing like Yellowstone in the winter. Yellowstone always provides perspective and introspection. Every time I go to Yellowstone, the experience changes with new vistas, wildlife, challenges, and accomplishments. This particular visit was very short; only one day.
As we drove south from the north entrance, the road crossed over the Yellowstone River in several places. Just after crossing a bridge, a turnoff offered us a chance to stop. The snow was knee deep in places as I slid down the river bank toward the river. After clearing through some trees, the river bank offered several great views. One vista was a majestic mountain. After capturing several images of the mountain, I turned around to this more serene view. Although it was midday, the sun was shining through a thin cloud layer softening the light. Blowing snow and the calming sound of water ripples from the river completed the experience. My reaction was immediate. Click! For the whole story with all images, see The Moment Before the Click | a 7 Image Story.