Spring Green | a 7 Image Story This year’s spring has brought rain; an abundance of rain. My walkabouts are filled with lush green. Green is only an OK color for me; not my favorite by a long shot. For me, it’s an outside background color; not a main subject color so much. Since it’s so green this spring, it’s time to put green in front of the lens and take a closer look. Some of these images were captured with my new extension tubes to get that close up macro look.
Butterfly The Monarch butterfly adds a bit of color and a lot of contrast for the rather green image. Pine Cone Depending upon the subject and the amount of desired detail, just a standard 50mm lens can capture a nice image. Even with the pine cones for contrast, the image still looks green. Pattern This pattern image is just far enough away from the subject to capture the pattern while still being close enough to show vivid detail in the leaves. Like nature, the image is not perfect. Clearly visible are pollen and dust particles as well is the bumps on the branches. Hog’s Ear Hog’s ear might be a bit much. Just use your imagination. This image was captured using a 10mm extension tube with the Nikon AF DC 135mm fg2D telephoto lens on the Nikon 1 V3 camera with its 2.7 crop factor. The crop factor coupled with both the telephoto lens and an extension tube make for extreme magnification. Contour It’s all about the shapes and contours; and, oh yes, the shades of green. Close Those contours look much different when viewed at really close range. Symmetry This 7 image story series ends with the symmetry of a beautiful green fern.
Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Spring Green.
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