Peck Butterfly House | Zebra Longwing Butterfly The Zebra Longwing butterfly is common in Florida and part of Texas as well as Mexico and Central America. It’s Florida’s official state butterfly. They fly slowly and gracefully. Longwing butterfly adults are relatively long lived. Most other butterflies live only a few weeks, but longwings live for several months. Also, most butterflies can only sip fluids with their specialized mouth parts, but longwing butterflies can get some pollen and nectar. Their saliva allows them to dissolve the pollen to get the nutrients. Zebra longwings gather in roosts to spend the night and return to the same roost each night. For insects, they are very intelligent. They have a social order when roosting whereby the oldest butterflies choose the best places. Also, they remember where their food is located and return to the plants where they previously ate. For the whole story with all images, see Peck Butterfly House | a 7 Image Story.
Peck Butterfly House | Zebra Longwing Butterfly
Sep 11, 2020 | 1 VR 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6, 16mm MOVO for Nikon 1, Butterflies, Daily Image 2020, Nikon 1 V3, Peck Butterfly House