Nikon 1 V3 Hodgepodge | Cooper's Hawk

Nikon 1 V3 Hodgepodge | Cooper’s Hawk   Although the Cooper’s Hawk is smaller than the Red-tailed Hawk, their sleek build and smooth plumage give them a more refined look.  The snow provides nice light contrast to show the hawk’s plumage.

The Back Story   Sometimes you go to the image, sometimes the image comes to you, and sometimes the image just happens.  Such was the case with this Cooper’s Hawk image.  This simple click was captured while I was working.  From time to time, I would look up from my laptop out the window.  Suddenly, this Cooper’s Hawk appeared.  After capturing numerous images, this one stood out.   Note: I post an image everyday at


EventDaily Walkabout
LocationNorthern Illinois
Date/Time1/04/2021  10:57am Local Time
WeatherCloudy | 25°F | Light Winds
MethodSimple click.
GearNikon 1 V3 with a Nikon FT-1 Adapter & Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lens
300mm (810mm)  f/5.6  1/800s  0.33ev  1600iso