A number of folks have asked me about my Nikon 1 V1 Walkabout Kit. What’s in your bag; is it small? Well, yes it is. In fact, the bag isn’t even a camera bag; it’s a small, free shoulder bag from a Sandhill Crane convention. On my walkabouts, I usually just carry the camera and one lens. If lens is the 70-300mm, I usually attach the sun sniper strap to the FT-1 and use it to carry the rig. The rest of the kit stays in my vehicle and rides almost everywhere with me. If I go on foot or for some other reason can not take the entire kit, I either carry the camera and lens or put it into my briefcase. Sure, my iPhone is much easier to carry. It just doesn’t capture images like the V1.
My Nikon 1 V1 walkabout kit contains: