Minolta SRT-102 to Yosemite NP | a 7 Image Story My first trip to Yosemite NP was also my first trip with my new Minolta SRT-102 SLR camera. Although my previous cameras were 35mm film cameras, they were all rangefinders or viewfinders. Obviously, the camera was more capable than the photographer. Still, a few images turned out reasonably nice. After scanning the slides, they needed very little restoration. The Kodachrome slides held up quite well. Since the camera and lenses were new to me, I was experimenting with both the 135mm f2.8 and the 50mm f1.7.
Yosemite in the spring is all about rock and waterfalls. Yosemite is really “big country.” On a clear day, you could see forever, if it were not for all the mountains. Hiking Yosemite, particularly the high country, is not for the faint of heart. When hiking the high country, sunsets come quickly in the mountains. One moment it’s sunny; the next moment it’s dark. Best hike there with someone who knows the terrain!
On this first trip to Yosemite, image composition was much more instinct than knowledge. How do you get an up close and personal picture of a tall waterfall? For me, it was trying to capture the texture as well as the length of the falls. Nice thing about waterfalls; they create mist. Mist against dark rocks make an infinite number of interesting images. You can never have too many waterfall images.
For more information on the Minolta SRT-102 camera, please see Minolta SRT-102 SLR.
Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Minolta SRT-102 to Yosemite NP.
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