Kodak Signet 30 to Garden of the Gods | Colorado Springs Park Garden of the Gods is a Colorado Springs Park with 300 foot high sandstone rock formations. It’s a registered National Natural Landmark. The children of Charles Elliott Perkins inherited the four-hundred eighty acres where the park resides. Following their father’s wishes, they gave the land to the City of Colorado Springs with the stipulation that it be known forever as the “Garden of the Gods ” and forever remain open to the public, free of charge. Perkins wanted the park to be left in its natural state for the enjoyment of generations to come. For the whole story with all images, see Kodak Signet 30 to Garden of the Gods | a 7 Image Story.
Kodak Signet 30 to Garden of the Gods | Colorado Springs Park
Jul 15, 2019 | Colorado, Daily Image 2019, Ektachrome, Garden of the Gods, Kodak Signet 30 - 44mm f2.8, Kodak Signet 30 to Garden of the Gods, Nikon Coolscan V