Icy Leaves | a 7 Image Image Ice and leaves don’t normally go together. An early fall snowstorm provided four inches of wet icy snow in late October. The leaves were at peak color or perhaps just after peak color when the snow fell overnight. By the next day, temperatures had risen just enough to turn snow into a snowy icy slush. By using a 21mm extension tube, my camera focused very closely to the icy leaves getting incredible detail.
Photographer’s Note The 21mm MOVO extension tube for the Nikon 1 V3 worked quite nicely. All the electronic metering and focusing functions worked to make capturing an image reasonably easy. Of course, the camera and lens must be physically moved closer or farther until the image is in focus range. The extension tube moves the lens further from the focal plane of the camera and the front element of the lens closer to the subject. The closer the focus, the more magnification! These images were only the second time I have captured images using extension tubes.
Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Icy Leaves.
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