Just before Dark

Just before Dark

Just before Dark  These late sunset shots can take a toll.  On the walk back in the dark along the shoreline path, I stumbled on a rock and scraped my knee.   A tripod can sometimes help as a walking stick, but tonight I was using tree limbs as tripods or shooting handheld.  Sometimes photography can be like scuba diving where you should always have a dive buddy.

Seascape Sunset

Seascape Sunset

Seascape Sunset  Tonight’s walkabout was a bit late and a bit unusual for me.  Seascapes do not come easy for a Midwesterner.  More on my current photo shoot later.   It’s late and o’dark thirty will be coming all too soon.  And, for you photogs; yes, the Nikon 1 V1 does a nice job in manual mode too.