Apr 16, 2022 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Daily Image 2022, Nikon D3x, Nubbins II, Yellowstone

Nubbins II | Soda Butte Creek Crossing Just don’t look down! Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
10/17/2013 | Soda Butte Creek Crossing |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/8 1/125s -1.0ev 100iso |
Apr 15, 2022 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Daily Image 2022, Hyalite Canyon, Nikon D3x, Nubbins II

Nubbins II | Hyalite Canyon Hyalite Canyon with its downhill stream along the road never disappoints. There’s always a nice somewhere along the road. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
10/14/2013 | Hyalite Canyon |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/16 50iso |
Apr 8, 2022 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Daily Image 2022, Nikon D3x, Nubbins II, Yellowstone

Nubbins II | Yellowstone Hot Spring Looks inviting doesn’t it. Looks can be deceiving. With temperatures around 200ºF and sometimes even exceeding the boiling point, one swim and you are done; forever. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
9/20/2012 | Yellowstone Hot Spring |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/8 1/350s 0ev 100iso |
Mar 28, 2022 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Badlands, Daily Image 2022, Nikon D3x, Nubbins

Nubbins | Badlands Vista The Badlands always seem to have a certain character of its own. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
4502/2011 | Badlands Vista |
Gear | Nikon D3x with a AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/19 1/250s -0.5ev 400iso |
Feb 18, 2022 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Daily Image 2022, Hyalite Canyon, Nikon D3x, Winter Scape

Winter Scape | Hyalite Canyon Hyalite Canyon always provides a nice image year around. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
11/20/2011 | Simple click after s short hike. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/11 1/15s 1.0ev 100iso |
Nov 29, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Hawaii, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks

Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Kilauea NP A walkabout around Kilauea NP reveals many different kinds of terrain from raw lava rock to tropical forests. For more images, go to Big Island Sunsets | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story While hiking on Kilauea, this image was captured with a simple click after a manual focus, handheld. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
Event | Hiking Kilauea | |
Location | Kilauea NP, Big Island, Hawaii | |
Date/Time | 6/26/2014 3:21pm Local Time | |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 80°F | Moderate Winds | |
Method | Simple click after manual focus, handheld. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens | |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/8 1/1000s -0.5ev 400iso | |
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Nov 27, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Hyalite Canyon, Montana, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks

Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Hyalite Canyon Stream Hyalite Canyon lies just south of BozeMan, MT and it never disappoints the photographer. No matter what time of year I have visited; there have always been nice photo opportunities. It just keeps drawing you back. It provides the photog with so many different challenges to make great images.
The Back Story A short hike took me down to the stream and through some heavy underbrush. Then, I setup the tripod with camera attached low to the rocks in the stream. Then, after kneeling on the wet rocks and focusing manually, it was a simple click; well maybe, not so simple. I slowed down the shutter just enough to get blur showing the water movement. The PC-E lens also helps to put the entire stream in focus. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
Event | Drive up Hyalite Canyon | |
Location | Hyalite Canyon near Bozeman, Montana | |
Date/Time | 10/16/2013 3:26pm Local Time | |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 45°F | Light Winds | |
Method | Simple click using a tripod while focusing manually. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens | |
Exposure | 70mm (70mm) f/16 1/3s -1ev 50iso | |
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Nov 26, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Montana, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks

Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Montana Hay The Montana countryside is clear and filled with contrasts. With hay stacked sky-high, the Bridger Mountains stand many miles in the background. For more images, see America the Beautiful | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story Montana’s big sky warrants a little bigger, wider than 2×3 scale. The haystack is big. The mountains are big. And, of course, the sky and clouds are big. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
Event | Drive through the Montana Countryside | |
Location | Outside Bozeman, Montana | |
Date/Time | 10/16/2013 11:45am Local Time | |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 45°F | Light Winds | |
Method | Simple click. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens | |
Exposure | 70mm (70mm) f/8 1/125s -0.5ev 200iso | |
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