Nov 21, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks, Yellowstone
Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Yellowstone Thermal Spring The thermal features at Yellowstone, while very hot and dangerous to wildlife and people, can also be very colorful and inviting to visitors.
The Back Story While hiking around this thermal feature, the image was a simple click after focusing the PE-E. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | A Day at Yellowstone | |
Location | Yellowstone NP | |
Date/Time | 9/21/2012 3:43pm Local Time | |
Weather | Fair Skies | 65°F | Calm Winds | |
Method | Simple click after focusing the PE-E. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens | |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/11 100iso | |
Post | | |
Nov 15, 2021 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks, Yellowstone
Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Yellowstone River Yellowstone’s first snow of the year in mid November made for a great day to capture images along the Yellowstone River. A snowstorm had fallen the night before, covering everything in sparkling fresh snow. The Yellowstone River, flowing north out of the park, was not frozen due to the thermal features of the park. It does not look like much of a river in this image, but it becomes a nice size river as it travels further north. For more Yellowstone images and information, see Yellowstone NP Wild | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story There’s nothing like Yellowstone in the winter. Yellowstone always provides perspective and introspection. Every time I go to Yellowstone, the experience changes with new vistas, wildlife, challenges, and accomplishments. We only had a few minutes to capture this image between snow showers. Although it was midday, the sun was shining through a thin cloud layer softening the light. Blowing snow and the calming sound of water ripples from the river completed the experience. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | Day Trip to Yellowstone NP |
Location | Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 11/19/2011 12:56pm Local Time |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 14°F | Light Winds |
Method | Simple click while kneeling on the snow cover ground. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED lens |
Exposure | 17mm (17mm) f/11 1/750s -1ev 100iso |
Post | Added a touch of definition. |
Sep 27, 2021 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Nikon D200, Nikon D200 Soup, Yellowstone
Nikon D200 Soup | Yellowstone Hard Winter Falls The harsh winters at Yellowstone can provide some interesting images. This particular day was relatively warm for a February day in Yellowstone. It was above zero. It’s not unusual for February to see temperatures of -20°F to -30°F. The Bison in the background looks pretty lonely.
The Back Story Capturing this image was pretty simple. A short hike from the snow coach and a simple click captured it. For more images and information about Yellowstone, see Yellowstone NP Wild | a 7 Image Story. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | Winter Day Trip to Yellowstone NP via Snow Coach |
Location | Yellowstone NP Turnoff |
Date/Time | 2/22/2009 12:28 pm Local Time |
Weather | Overcast Skies | 6°F | Calm Winds |
Method | Simple Click. |
Gear | Nikon D200 with an AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED 80 lens |
Exposure | 18mm (120mm) f/32 1/60s 0ev 450iso |
Post | Smoothed background and add a little definition to trees. |
Sep 26, 2021 | AF-S DX VR 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED, Nikon D200, Nikon D200 Soup, Yellowstone
Nikon D200 Soup |Yellowstone Firehole Falls Firehole Falls are located about half a mile upstream from the confluence of the Firehole and Gibbon Rivers at Madison Junction. With only a 40 foot drop, Firehole Falls aren’t real tall; just majestic, with unsurpassed rugged beauty. It was a cold, overcast dull day in the middle of winter.
The Back Story Capturing this image was not so simple. Do Not Try This! Several People Have Been Injured! The falls lie about a hundred feet below the road. It was bit of a decent and climb back up to get this shot. In fact, it’s dangerous. Actually, the park rangers have now blocked off the way down to the river. Probably, too many people were falling; it’s really steep. I was the only one from the snow coach foolish enough to make the trip to the river bottom. I would not try it again without an experienced climbing buddy and a rope. Once along the river, what a reward. To capture this image, I used a tripod with its feet in the water. The river bank hugs the canyon wall so there’s not much room to maneuver. I tried to fall in the river, but luckily was unsuccessful. For more images and information about Yellowstone, see Yellowstone NP Wild | a 7 Image Story. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | Winter Day Trip to Yellowstone NP via Snow Coach |
Location | Firehole Falls at Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 2/22/2009 10:50 am Local Time |
Weather | Overcast Skies | 3°F | Calm Winds |
Method | Tripod in the river near the banks. Too dangerous to climb down and back. Would not do it again. |
Gear | Nikon D200 with an AF-S DX VR 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED lens |
Exposure | 18mm (27mm) f/6.3 1/500s 0ev 100iso |
Post | |
Sep 9, 2021 | AF-S DX 12-24mm f4G IF ED, Nikon D200, Nikon D200 Soup, Yellowstone
Nikon D200 Soup | Yellowstone Wild This location is among my favorite places in Yellowstone. Whenever I turn off the road and stop here, no one else is around. It feels remote even though it’s just off the main road.
The Back Story Simple click! Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | A Day in Yellowstone |
Location | Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 11/08/2007 3:11pm Local Time |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 45°F | Light Winds |
Method | Simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D200 with an AF-S DX 12-24mm f4G IF ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (36mm) f/5.6 1/800s 0ev 100iso |
Post | Smoothed the clouds a bit. |
Jul 29, 2021 | AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Nikon 1 V1, Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri, Raven, Yellowstone
Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri | Raven Ravens tend to hang around the parking areas in Yellowstone so it’s not too hard to capture a few images of them. Ravens are among the smartest of all birds and have accompanied people around the Northern Hemisphere for centuries by following their wagons, sleds, sleighs, and cars looking for a quick meal. Ravens are really quite amazing birds. They can fly over 20,000 feet. They adapt to a very wide variety of habitats including the harsh climate in Yellowstone. They adapt to living around humans quite well. They’ll eat a wide variety of foods. They even befriend wolves while still sharing in the wolves bounty. Yes, amazing birds! For more information and images of wild Yellowstone, see Yellowstone NP Wild | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story This image came from a simple click in a Yellowstone parking area. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | Day at Yellowstone NP |
Location | Yellowstone National Park |
Date/Time | 10/21/2014 3:54pm Local Time |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 37°F | Light Winds |
Method | Simple click. |
Gear | Nikon 1 V1 with a Nikon FT-1 Adapter & Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lens |
Exposure | 300mm (810mm) f/9 1/160s 0ev 800iso |
Post | Smoothed background and sharpened eye. |
May 28, 2021 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x, Yellowstone
Landscape Portfolio | Yellowstone Early Snow Yellowstone’s first snow of the year in mid November made for a great day to capture images along the Yellowstone River. A snowstorm had fallen the night before, covering everything in sparkling fresh snow. Actually, we only had a few minutes to capture this image between snow showers.
The Back Story As we drove south from the north entrance, the road crossed over the Yellowstone River in several places. Just after crossing a bridge, a turnoff offered us a chance to stop. The snow was knee deep in places as I slid down the river bank toward the river. After clearing through some trees, the river bank offered several great views. Although it was midday, the sun was shining through a thin cloud layer softening the light.
Event | A Day at Yellowstone |
Location | Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 11/19/2011 12:56 pm Local Time |
Weather | Intermittent Snow Showers| 15°F | Light Winds |
Method | Stop along the road, slide down a steep river bank in knee deep snow, use a rock as a tripod, click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 17-35mm lens |
May 23, 2021 | AF-S DX 12-24mm f4G IF ED, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x, Yellowstone
Landscape Portfolio | Still Water Yellowstone NP has so much for a photographer like Still Water. It’s a photographer’s paradise. Even with bald skies and no wind, Yellowstone never disappoints.
The Back Story I have captured images at this river for several years. For some reason, I have only had bald skies. Still, when you are visiting the park on a periodic basis, you get the weather you get. Notice the emphasis on the river’s clear water; not the skies.
Event | Driving Through Yellowstone |
Location | Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 11/07/2010 10:14 am Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 41°F | Calm Winds |
Method | Hike to water’s edge, setup tripod, and click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 12-24mm zoom lens |