Sep 30, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Hyalite Canyon Hike

Hyalite Canyon Hike | Waterfall Start Late September can be quite cool around Bozeman, Montana. Obviously, this day was very warm as we started our hike up Hyalite Canyon. Of course, the weather cooled as we climbed higher along the trail. Although there are several waterfalls along the trail, this one seems to be the tallest. Obviously, this image was captured by a hiking friend. To read the whole story with all images, see Hyalite Canyon Hike | a 7 Image Story.
May 5, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S DX 12-24mm f4G IF ED, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Mostly Snow Finally, the wintry mix turned to mostly snow, wet heavy snow. Local Wx says several inches in the mountains. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
May 4, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Rain into Snow Precipitation, turning from rain to snow and back again, make for some interesting images. A longer exposure allows the image to actually look much like the real thing. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
May 3, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Snowy Canyon As the rain turned back to snow, snow started to accumulate along the stream’s banks. A third of a second shutter speed captured the snowing effect. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
May 2, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Wet Rocks Wet rocks is a gross understatement. The rocks were wet with a patchy snow and ice. To get down low, I had to get down on all fours. What the heck? My feet were already wet; why not my legs too! To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
May 1, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Around the Bend As the precipitation turned from rain to snow and back again, it imparted a fog like texture to the images. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
Apr 30, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Flowing Stream The stream winds down the mountain. As it gets wider and narrower, the flow gets slower or faster. Slow the shutter speed and time smooths the water’s rough edges. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.
Apr 29, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Black & White, Daily Image 2018, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Snowy Rain

Snowy Rain | Soft Water Nice images get captured in the rain and snow. This image was captured between wet snow showers. Slow down the exposure for the stream to blur and you a simple, long click. Hyalite Canyon keeps drawing you back for more. To learn more about making a photograph in the rain and snow at Hyalite Canyon, see Snowy Rain | a 7 Image Story.