Apr 19, 2022 | AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2022, Hawaii, Nikon 1 V1, Nubbins II

Nubbins II | Gold Dust Day Geko Hawaii has some cute critters, but no snakes. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
6/23/2014 | Gold Dust Day Geko |
Gear | Nikon 1 V1 with a FT-1 Adapter & an AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lens |
Exposure | 260mm (702mm) f/5.6 1/250s 0ev 220iso |
Apr 18, 2022 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Daily Image 2022, Hawaii, Nikon D3x, Nubbins II

Nubbins II | Cloudy Day on Hawaii Hawaii is almost always warm, but not always sunny. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
6/23/2014 | Cloudy Day on Hawaii |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED lens |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/8 1/2s -0.5ev 1600iso |
Nov 29, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Hawaii, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks

Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Kilauea NP A walkabout around Kilauea NP reveals many different kinds of terrain from raw lava rock to tropical forests. For more images, go to Big Island Sunsets | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story While hiking on Kilauea, this image was captured with a simple click after a manual focus, handheld. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
Event | Hiking Kilauea | |
Location | Kilauea NP, Big Island, Hawaii | |
Date/Time | 6/26/2014 3:21pm Local Time | |
Weather | Partly Cloudy | 80°F | Moderate Winds | |
Method | Simple click after manual focus, handheld. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED lens | |
Exposure | 24mm (24mm) f/8 1/1000s -0.5ev 400iso | |
Post | | |
Nov 28, 2021 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Hawaii, Nikon D3x, Nikon D3x Bread Sticks

Nikon D3x Bread Sticks | Big Island Seashore The rugged shoreline path traverses lava rock, sand, and beach. It makes a beautiful evening walkabout. For more images, go to Big Island Sunsets | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story This image required 5 clicks to make a HDR image. Note: I post an image everyday at hankconrad.com.
Event | Coastline Walkabout | |
Location | Big Island, Hawaii | |
Date/Time | 6/23/2014 7:24pm Local Time | |
Weather | Fair Skies | 71°F | Light Winds | |
Method | Five simple clicks for HDR. | |
Gear | Nikon D3x with an AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED lens | |
Exposure | 35mm (35mm) f/8 1600iso HDR | |
Post | | |
Apr 4, 2020 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, America the Beautiful, Daily Image 2020, Hawaii, Nikon D3x

America the Beautiful | Hawaii after Sunset The Big Island of Hawaii always has such beautiful, warm beaches no matter what time of year. The Kona Coast, the western coast of Hawaii, is also considered the sunny side of the island. This sunset image was captured along a northwestern shoreline path. Look closely in the background and you may see Maui’s volcano, Haleakalā, rising above the clouds, For the whole story with all images, see America the Beautiful | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 22, 2019 | Daily Image 2019, Hawaii, Kodachrome, Minolta XG-9, Minolta XG-9 to Maui, Nikon Coolscan V, Vivitar 75-300mm f4.5-5.6

Minolta XG-9 to Maui | Ship A lone ship in the night passes between Maui and Molokai. It looks like a small freighter. For the whole story with all images, see Minolta XG-9 to Maui | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 20, 2019 | Daily Image 2019, Hawaii, Kodachrome, Minolta XG-9, Minolta XG-9 to Maui, Nikon Coolscan V, Vivitar 75-300mm f4.5-5.6

Minolta XG-9 to Maui | Beach Wave This small beach, just north of Kapalua, almost always has really big waves. The beach tends to have plenty of beachcombers, but few swimmers. The undertow is very strong. That’s Molokia island in the background. For the whole story with all images, see Minolta XG-9 to Maui | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 19, 2019 | Daily Image 2019, Hawaii, Kodachrome, Minolta 50mm f1.7, Minolta XG-9, Minolta XG-9 to Maui, Nikon Coolscan V

Minolta XG-9 to Maui | Haleakala Crater Haleakala, the world’s largest dormant volcano, means “house of the sun” in Hawaiian. Sunrise on Haleakala may be the most spectacular sunrise on earth. Near the 10,023 foot summit, the Haleakala Crater offers hours of hiking in a colorful, sculpted cinder desert. There are many hiking trails offering solitude with scenic vistas through sub-alpine shrub land, cloud forest, and cinder desert. A 10,000 foot mountain in the middle of an ocean can have dramatic weather changes in a single day including wind, rain, and hot/cold temperature swings. For the whole story with all images, see Minolta XG-9 to Maui | a 7 Image Story.