Another Iris
Yes, Another Iris for todays image. Well, they only bloom for awhile so you have to capture them when they are the nicest.
May 22, 2013 | AF-S 50mm f1.4G, Daily Image 2013, Flowers, Iris, Nikon 1 V1
Yes, Another Iris for todays image. Well, they only bloom for awhile so you have to capture them when they are the nicest.
May 21, 2013 | AF-S 50mm f1.4G, Daily Image 2013, Flowers, Iris, Nikon D3x, Walkabout
Bearded Iris At first, I thought the Iris was growing wild in the grasslands along my walkabout. But, no, a nice nearby resident planted them several years ago. They make the walk just a little bit nicer. Took the heavy iron today. Clearly, I’m not a flower photographer. Still, not a bad image.