Jul 10, 2017 | Alaska Logbook, Daily Image 2017, Epson V600, Kodak Print

Piper Cherokee 235 This Piper Cherokee 235 is the plane I flew to Alaska and back some years ago. The 235 with a fixed pitch propeller cruises at around 133 knots while burning about 12 gallons of gas per hour. I have been preparing a series of posts depicting my Alaska flying adventure to be published soon. This image was captured using a film point & shoot camera, scanned using an Epson V600 scanner, and restored in post.
Feb 3, 2017 | Alaska, Aviation, Daily Image 2017, Epson V600, Kodak Print, Nikon Zoom Touch 500

Mississippi River Crossing This image was captured on first day of my flying to Alaska adventure some years ago. Flying northwest in early afternoon, the sun shone bright in the windshield. Adding to the very hot, sunny, hazy weather, the windshield caused reflections. For this post, a 4 x 6 print, from a Nikon Zoom Touch 500 camera, was scanned and restored. It serves as a preview of a new post series coming in July highlighting my flying to Alaska adventure.