Mar 31, 2022 | Daily Image 2022, Nikon P7000, Nubbins, Sunset

Nubbins | Walkabout Sunset A late walkabout reveals a nice sunset along the canal. Note: I post an image everyday at
10/07/2011 | Walkabout Sunset |
Gear | Nikon P7000 includes a 6mm – 42.6mm optical zoom lens |
Exposure | 6mm (28mm) f/4.5 1/30s -1.0ev 100iso |
Feb 28, 2022 | Daily Image 2022, Illinois, Nikon P7000, Winter Scape

Winter Scape | Winter Walkabout B&W Does yesterday’s walkabout image look better in black & white? Note: I post an image everyday at
2/27/2022 | Simple click along the trail! |
Gear | Nikon P7000 includes a 6mm – 42.6mm optical zoom lens |
Exposure | 6mm (28mm) f/5.6 1/361s 0ev 100iso (4.6 crop factor) |
Feb 27, 2022 | Daily Image 2022, Illinois, Nikon P7000, Winter Scape

Winter Scape | Winter Walkabout Today’s walkabout may be the last with a winter look, or maybe not! Note: I post an image everyday at
2/27/2022 | Simple click along the trail! |
Gear | Nikon P7000 includes a 6mm – 42.6mm optical zoom lens |
Exposure | 6mm (28mm) f/5.6 1/361s 0ev 100iso (4.6 crop factor) |
Feb 24, 2022 | Daily Image 2022, Michigan, Nikon P7000, Winter Scape

Winter Scape | Lone Tree A lone tree on the edge of a frozen lake stands out against the sky. Note: I post an image everyday at
1/27/2013 | Simple click. |
Gear | Nikon P7000 includes a 6mm – 42.6mm optical zoom lens |
Exposure | 6mm (28mm) f/3.5 1/31s 1.0ev 166iso (4.6 crop factor) |
Mar 10, 2021 | Daily Image 2021, Nikon P7000, PBY Catalina Flying Boat, Skiplanes & Seaplanes

Skiplanes & Seaplanes | PBY Catalina Flying Boat The numerous PBY Catalina flying boats, one of the most recognizable WWII warbirds, are still being flown today. PBY was the most widely used patrol plane in WWII. Nicknamed the “Cat,” or “P-boat,” or the “Canso” in Canadait, it saw combat in every theater of the war. In the Pacific theater with Its ability to stay airborne for hours and its 2500+ mile range, it served as the eyes of the fleet. Armed with bombs, depth charges and torpedoes, the PBY took the war to the enemy protecting merchant ships from submarine attack and raiding enemy ships using night radar. Still, it will likely be most remembered as a search and rescue (SAR) aircraft that could land in the water to pick up survivors of sunken ships or pilots shot down in combat.
The Back Story This PBY Catalina Flying Boat was on the ramp when I visited Fantasy of Flight located about half way between Tampa and Orlando. They have about 200 restored aircraft including a B-26 bomber, a B-25 bomber, and a B-24 bomber as well as many other WWII warbirds. And, most of their warbirds are airworthy. My time was limited for photog activities, but this PBY was just too cool to pass up.
Jan 17, 2021 | Daily Image 2021, Fine Art Portfolio, Fine Art Portfolio Posts, Nikon P7000

Fine Art Portfolio | Fire & Ice This scene seemed quietly pleasant with shapes and shadows cast over the new fallen snow. It just appeared while walking along a street.
The Back Story This image was captured with a simple click. The P7000 was new to me so I stuffed into my coat pocket before leaving for a walk on the new snow.
Event | Late Night Walkabout |
Location | Along the road…near fire hydrant |
Date/Time | 2/23/2013 11:50 pm Local Time |
Weather | Cloudy Night | 25°F | Light Winds |
Method | Simple click while walking. |
Gear | Nikon Coolpix P7000 |
Jan 16, 2021 | Daily Image 2021, Fine Art Portfolio, Fine Art Portfolio Posts, Nikon P7000, Pugs

Fine Art Portfolio | Pugs on Ice The Pugs seemed just a bit irritated that they had to go out in such bad weather. Pugs love the snow; ice, not so much. The slipping and sliding, even on the icy grass, put a new meaning to “do your duty.” They gave me “the look” as they were trying to make it back into the house. Black and white makes the night look more foreboding than color.
The Back Story This image was captured late one night after it had rained and turned really cold. The rain froze and it rained ice pellets. The pugs were slipping and sliding around. I was slipping and sliding around. After slipping on my butt, i got back on my knees just as the Pugs were trying to back into the house.
Event | Pugs doing their Duty |
Location | Front Yard |
Date/Time | 1/15/2013 12:03 am Local Time |
Weather | Cloudy Night with Snow, Ice, & Ice Pellets | 18°F | Light Winds |
Method | Take camera while walking the Pugs, kneel to get at their level, don’t slip on ice, click. |
Gear | Nikon Coolpix P7000 |
Dec 12, 2020 | B&W Shapes, Black & White, Daily Image 2020, Nikon P7000

B&W Shapes | Fire & Ice The hard edged fireplug stands in sharp contrast to the soft snowy contours of the street light. For the whole story with all images, see B&W Shapes | a 7 Image Story.