Apr 29, 2014 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2014, GA Aircraft, Nikon D300

C-185 at Fly-in Fly-in/drive-in breakfast season arrives soon in the midwest. Already, a few airports have offered a free breakfast for fly-in pilots. Sometimes, it’s a great incentive for pilots with special airplanes like this Cessna C-185 on floats to drop by for breakfast. Photogs must find airports that provide nice backgrounds for airplane images. So, if your local airport has nice backgrounds, drop us a line on the contact form, particularly if your local airport is within 200 nautical miles from the Chicago area.
Feb 13, 2014 | AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2014, GA Aircraft, Nikon 1 V1

C-185 on Skis This Cessna 185 made a beautiful landing on Lake Sapphire. After some coffee, a warm up, and engaging hangar flying, I was fortunate to hitch a ride back with Steve, the pilot and owner. He had recently completed an engine overhaul himself; aren’t all bush pilot’s also A&Ps as well as CFIIs. Well, maybe not, but Steve let me fly a bit.
Feb 11, 2014 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2014, GA Aircraft, Nikon 1 V1

C-185; Let’s Go Flying This Cessna 185 wears skis in the winter, floats in the summer, and tires in between. I was lucky enough to take the controls for a bit while landing on a frozen lake. You really notice the extra power, over the J-3 Cub or Super Cub, particularly on take-off. I tried to do some air-to-air photography from the copilot’s seat. It’s a great plane to use as a photo platform. Next time, I’ll use the back seat and perhaps I’ll get better shots. Live and learn.
Feb 3, 2014 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2014, GA Aircraft, Nikon D300

This Cessna 185 on skis was taking off from a small lake in Michigan a few years ago. The image, of course, is not all that good, but the wingtip vortices in the snow made it a keeper. Next weekend is ski plane weekend. Hope to have many more images to share.
Jan 5, 2014 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2014, GA Aircraft, Nikon D200

C-185 Snow Vortices This Cessna 185 on skis was giving rides from a frozen lake in Michigan a few years ago. Since it’s clearly winter, this week’s theme will be airplanes on skis. Even though it’s cold, we can think of good times flying. The temperature was so cold, the Nikon D200 would stop working in about a half hour. After replacing the cold battery with a warm one, it would jump back to life and keep shooting. Actually, the camera weathered the cold better than I did. Wind chills had to be in the -20 to -30 range with the 15+ knot wind. Still, it’s a rush landing over those trees onto a small frozen lake. My bush pilot friend, Steve, was at the controls.
May 8, 2013 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Aviation, Cessna 185, Daily Image 2013, GA Aircraft, Nikon D300

Cessna 185 on Floats Fly-in season is fast approaching in the midwest. This Cessna 185 on floats and retractable gear was on final approach to the Lake City Fly-in a couple of years ago. The fly-in, held on Memorial Day weekend each year in Lake City Michigan, attracts many types of north country grass roots airplanes. One hundred plus planes & pilots show up to land at a nice grass strip in the woods, eat breakfast, and hangar fly. If you happen to be in northern Michigan for the holiday, it’s worth a stop. Breakfast is pretty good too.