Back to Blakesburg AAA Fly-in | a 7 Image Story

Back to Blakesburg AAA Fly-in | Waco TakeoffBack to Blakesburg AAA Fly-in | a 7 Image Story   The Antique Airplane Association Fly-in is held annually at Antique Airfield (IA27) over the Labor Day weekend.  Vintage airplane lovers and owners come together to enjoy beautiful old airplanes including some rare examples like Waco, Spartan, Stearman, Perth Amboy Bird CK, Fairchild, and Swift.  Vintage airplanes are on ground display and are flown regularly during the fly-in.  In fact, pilots are almost continuously flying their antique airplanes during the day; making the Antique Airfield’s 2,350-foot turf runway, very busy.  And, sometimes the pilots will give rides taking you back to the golden age of aviation!  The AAA fly-in feels like an old grassroots fly-in from years past.  The airplanes are beautifully restored and the people are genuinely friendly.  Of course, the photography is as good as it gets.

Soundtrack from the movie Flyboys; a musical score composed by Trevor Rabin & Don Harper.

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So, what is the Antique Airplane Association?  The AAA was first formed in August of 1953 to “Keep the Antiques Flying”, which remains today as their main interest and primary function.  The AAA has over twenty active chapters and a close working relationship with many of the aircraft type clubs, which sometimes use Antique Airfield for fly-ins.  The Antique Airplane Association is located at Antique Airfield near Blakesburg, Iowa. Membership is open to anyone interested in antique airplanes; it’s not necessary to be a pilot or an aircraft owner.  The Annual Invitational AAA/APM Fly-In and Convention is held every Labor Day Weekend.  To attend the fly-in, you must be an AAA member or join when you register at the fly-in.  See the Antique Aircraft Association site for more information on this grass roots fly-in.

Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Back to Blakesburg AAA Fly-in.

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