Sep 24, 2021 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Koala, Nikon D200, Nikon D200 Soup

Nikon D200 Soup | Koala Sleeping Koalas love to sleep; like 18 hours a day. Of the many Koalas sleeping photos I have captured, the image is my favorite. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story This image came from a simple click while visiting the zoo. Note: I post an image everyday at
Event | Zoo Visit |
Location | San Diego Zoo |
Date/Time | 1/14/2009 10:05am Local Time |
Weather | Fair Skies | 66°F | Calm Winds |
Method | Simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D200 with an AF DC 135mm f2D lens |
Exposure | 135mm (202mm) f/2 1/500s -1ev 200iso |
Post | |
Jan 25, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala & Mom Moms are the greatest. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 24, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Sleeping Koalas love to sleep; like 18 hours a day. Of the many Koalas sleeping photos I have captured, the image is my favorite. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 23, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Awake Koalas mostly sleep during the day; tucked away in the eucalyptus tree branches. Once in a while, they awake up for short periods. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 22, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Resting Actually, Koalas seem to spend very little time just resting without sleeping or eating. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 21, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Climbing Koalas have 5 digit front paws with two digits opposed to the others. This arrangement makes them good climbers and tree dwellers. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 20, 2020 | AF DC 135mm f2D, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Eating When they are not sleeping, koalas are eating eucalyptus leaves; two and a half pounds of leaves a day. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.
Jan 19, 2020 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Daily Image 2020, Koala, Koalas, Nikon D200

Koalas | Koala Portrait Koalas make great portrait subjects. They move slowly and pose often when they are not sleeping. For the whole story with all images, see Koalas | a 7 Image Story.