May 19, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Nikon 1 V3, Turtles, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Snapping Turtle These large snapping turtles seem to appear this time of year along my walkabout paths to lay their eggs. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 18, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 50mm f1.4G, Daily Image 2018, Flowers, Nikon 1 V1, Orchid, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Phalaenopsis Orchid Walkabouts in the rain are seldom much fun. Sometimes, an inside image works the best. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 17, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Landscape, Lone Tree, Nikon 1 V1, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Standout Tree The lone tree is one of my favorite views. This tree isn’t exactly alone. Still, it stands out among the other trees and the background. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 16, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Nikon 1 V3, Why post an image a day?, Wild Rabbit, Wildlife

Why post an image a day? | Wild Rabbit With the coyote population declining a bit, the wild rabbit population is increasing a bit. Lately, wild rabbits have popped up on most of my walkabouts. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 15, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 50mm f1.4G, Daily Image 2018, Flowers, Iris, Nikon 1 V1, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Iris Iris and spring go together like bread and butter. Every spring daily walkabout turns up more Iris. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 14, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S DX VR 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED, Daily Image 2018, Nikon D300, Pugs, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Attentive Pug Nothing trusts its people like a Pug. This Pug is looking forward to a another great day; one that its people will provide. It’s another standard, simple click from daily life; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 13, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Birds, Daily Image 2018, Nikon 1 V1, Robins, Why post an image a day?

Why post an image a day? | Nesting Robin Nothing says spring more than a Robin sitting on its nest. The Robin is looking forward to new life just as we are looking forward to spring. It was a standard, simple click on my daily walkabout; nothing special, just meaningful. See Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story for the whole story.
May 13, 2018 | 7 Image Stories, AF-S 50mm f1.4G, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, AF-S DX VR 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED, IMHO, IMHO, Nikon 1 V1, Nikon 1 V3, Nikon D300, Why post an image a day?
Why post an image a day? | a 7 Image Story Why post an image a day for over 5 years? Yes, 5 project 365 projects in a row. Utter craziness, right! Well, maybe. Basically, I started posting an image a day to help motivate myself to capture more images on a very regular basis; hoping to improve my photography.
What did I achieve? Certainly, my photography improved. And, my health improved mostly due to daily walkabouts and more exercise. My professional life improved as well. My day became more productive. My knowledge of social media and the IoT, internet of things, improved as well as my writing skills. Yes, the experience has made me a better photographer and writer; thus a better communicator.
Seven reasons why I post an image a day:
- Reflection & Quiet Time Posting requires quiet time. Most days, posting requires about ½ hour; occasionally up to an hour. It’s time not working, not fixing the faucet, but focusing on only posting. (Posts can be prepared ahead of time like on the weekend before the post dates.) Also, taking a daily walkabout enables me to both capture a few images and reflect on the day’s challenges as well as get a little exercise. Taking time off work each day to reflect makes me a better executive/consultant.
- Gather, Analyze, Decide, Action Daily posting forces me to gather images, analyze them, decide which one to post, and post it every day. Executives/consultants sometimes like to procrastinate. Eventually, decisions must be made and action taken. Images can be captured most days looking for beauty; which helps me see the flowers in everyday life.
- Accomplishment Accomplishing something everyday is important. Posting forces me to accomplish something meaningful everyday, besides making the bed; irrespective of whether or not I accomplish anything else that day. As the year goes on, the feeling of accomplishment builds while looking back at so many posts.
Learning Improving knowledge and skills is always an ongoing challenge. Besides improving the obvious skills like photographic and writing skills, numerous post processing edit skills as well as the technical skills need constant updating. Internet security, SEO, metadata, social media, and digital marketing evolve very quickly. Learning not only improves my knowledge; it keeps my head in the game.
- Sharing Stories and images get created for an audience. Sometimes, that audience is small; family, friends, etc. Posting to my blog allows me to share with a wider audience. People from many countries find and visit my blog. It’s gratifying to know others find some value in my posts.
- Recognition & Feedback Sharing also means some folks will like my posts and perhaps give me feedback to help me improve. As an amateur photographer, it’s really difficult to find a good critic and receive constructive criticism.
- Hope & Looking Forward Hope is a good thing; perhaps the best of things. Looking back after five years, I find a certain amount of inspiration when viewing each year’s images. The images reflect the events in my life without necessarily being images of the events themselves. They all give me hope … in search of and looking forward to … the next beautiful image and tomorrow’s challenges.
From daily walkabout clicks to inside photos, all images in this post are simple clicks from daily life; not so special as images, yet meaningful to me! Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Why post an image a day?
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