Mar 10, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Landscape, Nikon D3x, Platte River, Sandhills on the Platte, Sunset

Sandhills on the Platte | Platte River Sunset In the distance, the last Sandhills are landing to roost for the night as the last good light rests in the west. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 9, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, AF-S TC 2.0 E III Tele-converter, Daily Image 2018, Nikon D3x, Sandhill Crane, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Evening Flight Each evening the Sandhills come back to the Platte River to roost for the night. They tend to come back in small groups so the experience tends to be less dramatic than the morning. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 8, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Nikon 1 V3, Sandhill Crane, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Shadow Portrait Getting a nice portrait of a Sandhill has proven to be a challenge. Even with a long telephoto, it’s difficult to get close enough without scaring the bird. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 7, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2018, Nikon 1 V3, Sandhill Crane, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Beautiful Crane Seldom do I get close enough to capture an image with so much detail. This image is one of the closest and clearest Sandhill Crane I have ever captured. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 6, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, AF-S TC 2.0 E III Tele-converter, Daily Image 2018, Nikon D300, Platte River, Sandhill Crane, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Morning Flight In the early morning, the Sandhills lift off the river to eat in nearby fields. They take flight in groups of hundreds; even thousands, even 10,000s, at one time. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 5, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, AF-S TC 2.0 E III Tele-converter, Daily Image 2018, Nikon D300, Platte River, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Sunrise Flight At first light, the Sandhills begin to lift off the river to eat in nearby corn fields. A little sun, a little fog, and a few hundred thousand Sandhill Cranes make for a beautiful sunrise on the Platte River. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 4, 2018 | 7 Image Story Posts, AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED, Daily Image 2018, Nikon D3x, Platte River, Sandhills on the Platte

Sandhills on the Platte | Platte River Sunrise It’s just after o’dark thirty and just before sunrise. The Sandhills are still relatively quiet while roosting on the Platte River. Soon, they’ll be waking and taking flight. The birds are still hidden just beyond back water and weeds. To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
Mar 4, 2018 | 7 Image Stories, AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED, AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, AF-S TC 2.0 E III Tele-converter, Events, Nature, Nikon 1 V3, Nikon D300, Nikon D3x, Places, Platte River, Sandhill Crane, Sandhills on the Platte
Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story Every year from mid February to the first week of April, most of the planet’s Sandhill Cranes converge along 75-mile stretch of the Platte River near Kearney, Nebraska. The gathering represents the closest thing to the Serengeti we have in the lower 48. It’s one of the world’s top three great wildlife migrations. More than 500,00 Sandhills stop on the Platte to rest and gain weight on their flight from southern USA and Mexico to Canada, Alaska, and Siberia, where the have their young.
If you have never been to this Great Sandhill Crane Migration, it’s worth the trip at least once in your life. Each day, it starts at o’dark thirty along the bends in the Platte River. At first light, the Sandhills begin to lift off the river to eat in nearby corn fields. They take flight in groups of hundreds; even thousands, even 10,000s, at one time. A little sun, a little fog, and a few hundred thousand Sandhill Cranes make for a beautiful sunrise on the Platte River. During the day, the cranes eat grain left over from last fall’s crop, mostly corn, in nearby fields. Then, in late afternoon and early evening, they come back to the river in great flocks to roost overnight on the river. The Platte River in this area is shallow and filled with sand bars. The cranes safely roost on the river since they can hear their predators, like coyotes, coming through the water. Being very smart birds, they actually post sentries to take turns staying awake during the night to warn the flock, if a predator comes their way.
Sandhill Cranes are among the world’s oldest species. They mate for life and return to the same place each year to have their young. They live in freshwater and eat a large variety of foods including plants, grains, mice, snakes, insects, or worms. Sandhills usually nest in wetlands. Females lay two eggs while both parents incubate. Males also defend the nest. Sandhills love to sing and dance; leap high in the air. The birds are naturally gray with their heads topped with a crimson crown. Sometimes, they preen themselves by adding a brown mud to their feathers. For more information on Sandhill Cranes and their great migration, see the Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary.
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