Jun 27, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, Daily Image 2020, Michigan, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Red Lake Door A holiday on Pleasant Lake would not be complete without the red door. This year the red door seems to be pointing us skyward. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 26, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, Daily Image 2020, Michigan, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Feather in the Grass A lone feather blowing in the wind adores the lakeside grass. No telling where it’s from or where it’s going! For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 25, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, 10mm MOVO for Nikon 1, Daily Image 2020, Insects, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake, Water Lily

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Insect on Lily Pad Flower This macro image was captured using a 10mm extension. The water lily was moving up and down due to waves on the lake. My kayak was moving in reaction to the waves. My arm was moving since it was outstretched to manually focus the camera very close to the lily. With such a narrow depth of field, it’s amazing that anything was in focus. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 24, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, Daily Image 2020, Michigan, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | New Driftwood Paddling into calm water with late afternoon light allows creation of a serene photograph depicting the essence of nature on a small northern Michigan lake. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 23, 2020 | AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2020, Eastern Kingbird, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Male Eastern Kingbird The male Kingbird is usually several feet above of the nest; standing guard. This year, the Kingbird’s usual nesting place appears to have been destroyed. The female and nest were not in sight. Still, it must be very close. If you get too close to the nest, the males will start screeching and dive bombing you. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 22, 2020 | AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Daily Image 2020, Great Blue Heron, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Great Blue Heron Paddling slowly toward shore makes it a bit easier to capture nice wildlife images without disturbing the wildlife. This Great Blue Heron still walked behind the bushes, but it did not fly away. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 21, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, Daily Image 2020, Michigan, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake

Paddling Pleasant Lake | Beaver’s Handiwork Paddling the Kayak on glassy flat water provides a nice platform to capture both macro water flower images as well as wildlife images. It’s all about paddling slowly and gliding with camera in hand. For the whole story with all images, see Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story.
Jun 21, 2020 | 1 VR 10-30mm f/3.4-5.6 PD-Zoom, 10mm MOVO for Nikon 1, 7 Image Stories, AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR, Eastern Kingbird, Great Blue Heron, Insects, Michigan, Nature, Nikon 1 V3, Paddling Pleasant Lake
Paddling Pleasant Lake | a 7 Image Story Paddling along Pleasant Lake’s shoreline will generally yield at least a few decent images. On this day, the boat traffic was a bit heavier than usual, which made numerous waves. Capturing macro images of the water lilies was very difficult due to the extremely short depth of field. Still, the water is generally clear enough to see the water lily stems in the sandy lake bottom.
Beaver’s Handiwork Paddling the Kayak on glassy flat water provides a nice platform to capture both macro water flower images as well as wildlife images. It’s all about paddling slowly and gliding with camera in hand.
Great Blue Heron Paddling slowly toward shore makes it a bit easier to capture nice wildlife images without disturbing the wildlife. This Great Blue Heron still walked behind the bushes, but it did not fly away.
Male Eastern Kingbird The male Kingbird is usually several feet above of the nest; standing guard. This year, the Kingbird’s usual nesting place appears to have been destroyed. The female and nest were not in sight. Still, it must be very close. If you get too close to the nest, the males will start screeching and dive bombing you.
New Driftwood Paddling into calm water with late afternoon light allows creation of a serene photograph depicting the essence of nature on a small northern Michigan lake.
Insect on Lily Pad Flower This macro image was captured using a 10mm extension. The water lily was moving up and down due to waves on the lake. My kayak was moving in reaction to the waves. My arm was moving since it was outstretched to manually focus the camera very close to the lily. With such a narrow depth of field, it’s amazing that anything was in focus.
Feather in the Grass A lone feather blowing in the wind adores the lakeside grass. No telling where it’s from or where it’s going!
Red Lake Door A holiday on Pleasant Lake would not be complete without the red door. This year the red door seems to be pointing us skyward.
Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Paddling Pleasant Lake.
Click any image below for a slide show.