May 31, 2021 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Arizona, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Brown Mountain A walk through the desert can turn up impromptu images.
The Back Story This image called for a wide angle lens and a little ground crawl time, then a simple click.
Event | A Drive Thru the Desert |
Location | Brown Mountain near Tucson |
Date/Time | 1/10/2012 4:08 pm Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 67°F | Light Winds |
Method | Choose a wide angle lens, lay on the ground, simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 17-35mm lens |
May 30, 2021 | AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED, Arizona, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Mt. Lemmon Arizona can get pretty hot in the summer. A nice drive into the mountains can show you breathtaking beauty as well as much cooler air. And in the winter months, snow and ski runs might great you at the end of the road. Mount Lemmon, at 9,159 feet, is the highest point in the Santa Catalina Mountains. Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley can receive 200 inches of snow a year.
The Back Story This image comes from a simple after a quick stop along the highway.
Event | A Drive Up Mt. Lemmon |
Location | Mt. Lemmon |
Date/Time | 1/10/2012 1:14 pm Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 64°F | Calm Winds in Tucson, but more like 52°F halfway up the mountain. |
Method | A simple after a quick stop along the highway. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 24-70mm lens |
May 29, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Daily Image 2021, Hyalite Canyon, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Hyalite Creek Hyalite Creek is one of Montana’s little secrets with unending vistas year around.
The Back Story After a nice snow, drive up Hyalite Canyon road until the snows too deep, then take a hike up/down the creek. This image was the second from last one before I slipped on a wet rock and fell into Hyalite Creek. Yeah, it happens to me on occasion; actually fairly often. So, I just got my leg and posterior wet; water was cold. It was my second slip into the creek. Three years ago, about the same time of year, I slipped into the creek, down stream a bit, attempting to do the same thing. For some odd reason, I have captured some of my best images while getting wet from water or snow.
Event | A Drive Up Hyalite Canyon |
Location | Hyalite Creek |
Date/Time | 11/20/2011 2:08 pm Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 28°F | Light Winds |
Method | After a nice snow, drive up Hyalite Canyon road until the snows too deep, then take a hike up/down the creek. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 24mm PCE lens |
May 28, 2021 | AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x, Yellowstone

Landscape Portfolio | Yellowstone Early Snow Yellowstone’s first snow of the year in mid November made for a great day to capture images along the Yellowstone River. A snowstorm had fallen the night before, covering everything in sparkling fresh snow. Actually, we only had a few minutes to capture this image between snow showers.
The Back Story As we drove south from the north entrance, the road crossed over the Yellowstone River in several places. Just after crossing a bridge, a turnoff offered us a chance to stop. The snow was knee deep in places as I slid down the river bank toward the river. After clearing through some trees, the river bank offered several great views. Although it was midday, the sun was shining through a thin cloud layer softening the light.
Event | A Day at Yellowstone |
Location | Yellowstone NP |
Date/Time | 11/19/2011 12:56 pm Local Time |
Weather | Intermittent Snow Showers| 15°F | Light Winds |
Method | Stop along the road, slide down a steep river bank in knee deep snow, use a rock as a tripod, click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 17-35mm lens |
May 27, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Badlands, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Badlands’ Valley Between the mid May and mid June the normally brown and tan landscape of the Badlands turns green and and the wild flowers bloom. My favorite time for Badlands Spring remains the 2nd week of June. Also, it’s a great time see wildlife babies. For more information and images, see The Badlands.
The Back Story Stop along the main road in Badlands NP, climb a small hill, and make a not so simple click. One must be careful. Falling off a rock can be hazardous to your health.
Event | A Day at the Badlands |
Location | Badlands NP |
Date/Time | 5/03/2011 10:29 am Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 50°F | Light Winds |
Method | Stop along the road, climb a small hill, a not so simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 24mm PCE lens |
May 26, 2021 | AF-S PC-E 24mm f/3.5D ED, Badlands, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Rocks at the Badlands The Badlands’ rock formations are distinguished by their vibrant red, tan, and white stripes. Each stripe represents a different layer of sediment brought there by rivers and seas, millions of years ago. Over time, the mud and grit hardened into layered sedimentary rock. After sedimentary rock formed, the White, Bad, and Cheyenne rivers carved the flat floodplain into sloping hills, jagged cliff faces, and precarious spires. For more information and images, see The Badlands.
The Back Story Stop along the main road in Badlands NP, climb a small hill, and make simple click.
Event | A Day at the Badlands |
Location | Badlands NP |
Date/Time | 5/02/2011 11:04 am Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 50°F | Light Winds |
Method | Stop along the road, climb a small hill, simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 24mm PCE lens |
May 25, 2021 | AF 80-400mm f4.5-5.6D ED VR, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x, Platte River

Landscape Portfolio | Platte River Sunset Platte River sunsets make beautiful images. Each year, the Platte River in central Nebraska, during late February, March, and Early April, beckons us to come and experience Sandhill Cranes by the thousands. The black dots in the sky are Sandhill Cranes coming to roost for the night on the swallow sand bars of the river. Over a couple of months, over 500,000 Sandhill Cranes will make their annual visit to the Platte River. They’ll feed, rest, and gain weight for their flight back to Alaska, Canada, and Siberia. To learn more, see Sandhills on the Platte | a 7 Image Story.
The Back Story This image was captured near one of the bridges crossing the river. The weather was warm for early April with a very light breeze. A few other photographers waited with me along the river’s bank. As the sun set, the clouds lit up.
Event | Sandhill Cranes on the Platte River |
Location | Platte River near Kearney Nebraska |
Date/Time | 4/05/2011 8:09 pm Local Time |
Weather | Mostly Cloudy | 70°F | Light Winds |
Method | Arrive in position before sunset, wait for sunset, simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 80-400mm zoom lens |
May 24, 2021 | AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 ED VR II, Badlands, Daily Image 2021, Landscape Portfolio Posts, Nikon D3x

Landscape Portfolio | Looking over the Badlands The Badlands are truly inspiring. There’s something rather spiritual about Badlands NP. It’s one of the my favorite places to photograph. For more information and images, see The Badlands.
The Back Story There’s nothing like rising at o’dark thirty to capture the sunrise. It’s hard to decide whether to look for landscapes or wildlife or both.
Event | Early Morning Badlands |
Location | Badlands NP |
Date/Time | 11/12/2010 8:58 am Local Time |
Weather | Fair | 27°F | Calm Winds |
Method | Arrive in position at o’dark thirty, wait for sunrise, simple click. |
Gear | Nikon D3x with 70-200mm zoom lens |