Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia Two

9/07/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia Two

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia Two  Parthenos sylvia, the clipper, is a fast-flying butterfly found in South and South-East Asia, mostly in forested areas.

Common NameClipper
HabitatSouth and South-East Asia, mostly in forested areas
Wingspan3.0 to 4.2 in

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia

9/06/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Parthenos Sylvia  Parthenos sylvia, the clipper, is a fast-flying butterfly found in South and South-East Asia, mostly in forested areas.

Common NameClipper
HabitatSouth and South-East Asia, mostly in forested areas
Wingspan3.0 to 4.2 in

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | White Peacock

9/05/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | White Peacock

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | White Peacock  The White Peacock butterfly is known for its mostly-white wings that flutter through tropical environments where these butterflies maintain their territories and ensure the continuation of their species.

DistributionSouthern United States to Argentina and throughout the West Indies.
HabitatOpen, humid areas; near streams, ponds, weedy fields, and gardens.
WingspanRange: 2 to 2¾ inches
Adult Lifespan
One to four months
Territory SizeTypically 15 meters in diameter.
Adult DietPollen, petals, and flower nectar.

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Zebra Longwing

9/04/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Zebra Longwing

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Zebra Longwing  This butterfly’s zebra coat appearance with its bold wing coloring warns predators of their toxicity, which helps it survive longer than many other butterflies.

DistributionCentral & South America, southern Texas, Florida; migrates north in summer.
Habitatforests, tropical hammocks, fields.
Ranges between 2.83 – 3.93 inches
Lifespan of AdultsAbout 6 months.
Host PlantsPassionflower species for larva.
Adult DietPollen & nectar from passionflowers.

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho

9/03/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho  The Blue Morphos are known for their brilliant blue wings and are a symbol of life in the Central and South American rain forests.  Instead of pigments like other butterflies, the Blue Morpho’s wing color comes from microscopic wing scales that reflect light.

DistributionMexico to Central & South America
HabitatForest floor in tropical forests
WeightAbout 3 grams or .10 oz
Approximately 115 days
DietFlower nectar and ripe fruits

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Papilio Memnon the Great

9/02/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Papilio Memnon the Great

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Papilio Memnon the Great  The Great Mormon comes in a number of forms with definite differences between males and females. With its large wings, it lives in a several environments from forest edges to open landscapes.

DistributionSouthern and southeastern Asia
HabitatForest edges, clearings, and landscapes.
Host PlantsCitrus species like pomelo
Adult DietNectar from flowers

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho Head

9/07/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho Head

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho Head  Blue Morphos are known for their brilliant blue wings and are a symbol of life in the Central and South American rain forests.

DistributionMexico to Central & South America
HabitatForest floor in tropical forests
WeightAbout 3 grams or .10 oz
Approximately 115 days
DietFlower nectar and ripe fruits

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024.  I post an image most days at

Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story

9/07/2024 Peck Butterfly House 2024 | Menelaus Blue Morpho HeadPeck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story  The Peck Butterfly House had the largest array of butterflies I’ve seen in several years.

Menelaus Blue Morpho Head  Blue Morphos are known for their brilliant blue wings and are a symbol of life in the Central and South American rain forests.   Papilio Memnon the Great  The Great Mormon comes in a number of forms with definite differences between males and females. With its large wings, it lives in a several environments from forest edges to open landscapes.   Menelaus Blue Morpho  Instead of pigments like other butterflies, the Blue Morpho’s wing color comes from microscopic wing scales that reflect light.   Zebra Longwing  This butterfly’s zebra coat appearance with its bold wing coloring warns predators of their toxicity, which helps it survive longer than many other butterflies.

Each image from Peck Butterfly House 2024 | a 7 Image Story will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Peck Butterfly House 2024I post an image most days at

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